Using Bus Pirate with I2C
Testing I2C with the Bus Pirate.
Connect pins on bus pirate as follows
Buspirate | I2C Device |
gnd | gnd |
5v | 5v power if needed |
Vpu goes to 5v | |
Connect USB to laptop Install FTDI drivers to make com port Find com port number from device manager
Use Putty to make a serial connection.
In putty or other serial term software use the following settings:
- port - COM5
- rate - 115200
- data - 8 but
- parity - none
- stop - 1 bit
- flow - none
- emul - vt100
Once connected to the Bus Pirate use the following commands:
? - shows help menu
W - turns on power
p - choose to set pullups on
v - shows voltage status
(1) - macro to find addresses on bus
[ = start
] - stop
{ - restart
0b0000000 bits
0x00 hex